Himalayan Samadhi Quartz Cluster

  • Sale
  • $5,600.00
  • Regular price $8,000.00

Behold, an exquisite masterpiece of nature, this stunning Himalayan Quartz holds within its crystalline lattice the purest and highest frequencies. Its radiance exudes an ethereal aura that has the power to help anchor a loving consciousness onto our beloved planet Earth at this time.

Himalayan Quartz vibrates at the highest frequency, pulsating with a divine energy that resonates with the very essence of our being. Sourced with utmost mindfulness from the pristine Himalayan Mountains, this gem was hand-dug by a devoted family who believes in spreading these precious stones to those who seek to elevate their spiritual journey.

A piece of this size and purity is indeed a rare find, a treasure to cherish and behold! It is a beacon of hope, a conduit of love, and a catalyst for transformation.

If this crystal is calling to you, trust that your intuition is ready to activate to the next level!

Size: 11.2'' x 10.2'' x 7.6''
Weight: 3.6 KG (7.9 LB)

** More photos and video available upon request ** 

** For more Beautiful Himalayan Crystals: https://www.etsy.com/shop/SacredMinerals333?search_query=himalayan